• Resolved rick7653


    All of a sudden I could not load 12 of my different clients web pages. I was getting the message server is temporarily unable to handle a request: There is a high number of requests being sent to the server, exhausting all the available resources. The server is experiencing technical issues or maintenance work. I started disabling plugins and it turned out to be wp-optimize killing the pages. I deleted the plugin on all the websites now all pages work. This happened suddenly. The last up date I did was my theme files called NIRVANA and YES I have the latest version of wp-optimize. I installed an older version and it works fine. The problem is in the new 3.2.22 updated version

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by rick7653.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by rick7653.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by rick7653.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by rick7653.
Viewing 14 replies - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
  • Plugin Support Kowsar Hossain


    @orientalantiquesuk If you’ve deactivated WP-Optimize via FTP (either by renaming or deleting it), here are the steps you should follow:

    1. In the wp-content directory, delete the advanced-cache.php file (if it exists).
    2. In the wp-content/uploads directory, either delete the .htaccess file (if it exists), or rename it to something else (e.g., .htaccess.bak) as a precaution.
    3. In the wp-config.php file, remove the following line: define('WP_CACHE', true). Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/bqAUrjGkpP7a
    4. In the root directory (where the wp-config.php file is located), open the .htaccess file and eliminate any lines that contain code added by WP-Optimize. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/GN_26zPL66u3
      These lines are added only when “Browser static file caching” is enabled. Feel free to skip this step if you wish to continue using browser caching even after deactivating WP-Optimize; it won’t cause any issues. However, keep in mind that the .htaccess file is quite sensitive, so be sure to create a backup before making any edits in case something goes wrong.

    Note 1: These steps are general and apply to most caching plugins.
    Note 2: While there may be additional residual files, I haven’t listed them here because they pose no harm if left untouched.
    Note 3: If you manage to make the plugin work by following the workaround mentioned in this thread and subsequently deactivate the plugin from the plugin’s screen, all the above steps will be taken care of automatically.



    Thread Starter rick7653


    I went all the way back to version 2.2.4 and it was fine. No cpanel info for you sorry. I CAN tell you it does not occur on every godaddy server. Only certain ones. Some of my sites at godaddy are fine with the most recent version. Godaddys servers are like 100 years old so it isnt surprising.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Do any of you use manage WP?


    Godaddy, and only one client site 503’d – watching my other client’s hosting accounts and so far the rest are working as expected. So I found a copy of Version 3.2.3, replaced and so far all is well.

    For laughs, I included to the define('WPO_USE_WEBP_CONVERSION', false );

    MSQL DB 1 /25 (4%)
    File Usage 24,467 / ∞
    Disk Usage 700.95 MB / ∞
    MySQL® Disk Usage 12.81 MB / ∞

    I have a plumbing problem – A few pipes behind my Bookshelves (ack) so moving my books into boxes tonight – thank goodness not a disaster.

    Looks good so far, but not happening on our staging site, so kinda hard to test on a clients live site.

    A quick GTmetrix Performance Report on my clients site with WP-Optimize Version 3.2.3 – shows a solid Grade A – 94% / 96% seems that the plugin core is solid? and I really wish I had the problem on my staging area and not my clients.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by ikit.

    Please ignore, problem continues. 🙁

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Does the issue occur if you have CSS minifcation enabled?




    I’m hosting the website of a clients.
    I noticed a very high load on his website everyday, same hour.

    It is because of the cache preloading.
    For an unknown Reason, WP-Optimize perform 9 Query for each URL, instead of one. My client use the “cache a different version for mobile” so we end with… 18 query by SECOND for ONE url!!!!!

    Checked at WordPress cron, didn’t find duplicates cron jobs….
    Cron : “wpo_use_cache_lifespan” 1 day interval – “Same as cache lifespan: 1 days”
    Cron : “wpo_purge_old_cache” 1 day interval – “Every time after the cache has expired”

    (don’t look at IP, it’s Cloudflare IP. legit traffic from the website itself)

    Using php8.1 (php-fpm).

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    @florent This sounds like a different issue, the user specific cache by nature creates a large number of files. We would only advise this if you know you hosting can handle it. Please see here for our FAQ on this: https://getwpo.com/wp-optimize-launch-new-feature-user-specific-cache/



    @vupdraft Thanks !
    This seems to be a Premium Upgrade function, but the concerned website use the free version (3.2.22), and don’t have this option listed.


    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Florent.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Florent.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Florent.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Florent.
    Thread Starter rick7653


    Thanks for the great support. New version fixed everything

    Thread Starter rick7653


    Resolved with new version

    Michael Thena


    I’m currently experiencing the EXACT same issue and I’m using InMotion Hosting. WP Optimize causing php-fm high usage which in turn kills services and hangs the server

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