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  • Thread Starter therber2


    Okay. I added that as:

    ‘.testimonials-widget-testimonials4 .active {
    width: initial !important;
    background-image: none !important;

    and I also deactivated my W3 caching plugin…to no avail once more.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    Okay, more debugging and testing completed. I think this is it.

    .testimonials-widget-testimonials4 .active {
    width: initial !important;
    background: none !important;
    border-right: 0;
    Thread Starter therber2


    Boom! There it is. Nice work. Sending you a tip.

    Thread Starter therber2



    Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    Much appreciated!

    Since updating to 2.13.2 I am having a similar formatting issue as Tom with a narrow blue background box and the text only displays 10 characters wide. I tried inserting the code you provided Tom into the HTML/CSS inserts section of my theme to no avail. I’m also looking in wp-content/themes/atahualpa/styles and have not found a file that seems relevant in which to make the change.
    I love your plugin and want to keep using it, but my testimonals now look unprofessional since the update. If I deactivate and reinstall will that solve the narrow margin issue? I’m willing, but don’t want to have to re-insert all the testimonials after a new install if I don’t have to! Any help appreciated. and

    Referencing my previous post, I found what I believe is the correct file: testimonials-widget.css and I’ve inserted your proposed code that worked for Tom, but it’s not working for me with removing the blue background or restoring the width of the testimonial text beyond 10 characters wide. I’ve tried inserting before this bit

    .testimonials-widget-testimonials .active {
    	/* active testimonials */
    	display: block;

    after it, and also at the end of file. I’m perplexed.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    Check the use q tag option for the widget.

    Ahhh, so simple. Thanks! That worked perfectly.

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