• Hi,

    A little while ago i update my WordPress 3.5, after update i see that add new post area is not working, title bar is click able but the body area is not click able. also add media button is not working.
    See in the screen shot,
    kindly let me know the solution of this problem.


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    I try all thing as you said before i make a thread here, but still not change.
    now i am on old version 3.4.2.

    the problem is CKEditor for WordPress

    Hi maan18,

    Have you checked to see if there are JavaScript/jQuery errors being generated in your Dashboard? There are directions for how to find out here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Your_Browser_to_Diagnose_JavaScript_Errors

    If you find you’re getting an error, let us know what it is and it will be much easier for us to help you out.


    I just did the downgrade (from 3.5 to 3.4.2) on my site but I’m getting this error on the wp-admin login page. I did whatever was stated on this page… http://etuts.org/manually-downgrade-wordpress/

    Warning: require(/home/bknfcom/domains/site.com/wp-includes/class-wp-embed.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bknfcom/domains/site.com/wp-settings.php on line 137

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/bknfcom/domains/site.com/wp-includes/class-wp-embed.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/bknfcom/domains/site.com/wp-settings.php on line 137

    What can I do to fix this? Please help. Anyone.

    Thank you

    Never mind. I fixed it.

    Add this to the bottom of your wp-config file.

    define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);

    It may slow down the admin side of your site but should fix the problem until wordpress themselves come up with a fix.

    Thanks Man … It Fixed The Issue …

    If you are using Bullet Proof Security that is one plugin which is causing the problem and the developer is working on a fix. Deactivating and/or uninstalling wont fix the problem. It’s due to ht-access being taken over by the plugin. The fix I posted will resolve the problem until the security plugin is updated with the fix. You should be able to remove the entry from wp-config afterwards. 🙂

    I’m experiencing the same problem – both the content box and add media button are unresponsive. I’ve downgraded to the last point release for the moment – hopefully there will be a fix soon. Quite a nasty flaw to have made it through the testing process IMHO.

    For anyone who is using the bullet-proof security plugin, and who have managed to pinpoint the wordpress 3.5 errors to that plugin, the developer has rushed out a fix for the free version of the plugin. I must admit I haven’t tried it yet but I hope that it does fix the problem so I can remove the debug from my wp-config file.

    I can confirm that removing the .htaccess from wp-admin has fixed my site of these 3.5 issues. I haven’t used Bullet Proof in a long time but the htaccess changes never got removed.

    Alright, I’ve had the same problem, and before doing anything radical, like downgrading my wordpress version, first I have added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); in my wp-config.php at the bottom.
    Yes I am using BPS Plugin. After adding define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);, it all worked okay, and then I waited for developer to fix his plugin. After I got notification to update it, I’ve removed “define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);” and updated plugin. It is working perfectly now.

    My website is:

    Before anyone decides to downgrade, I’ve also just had a few anxious hours from hell after I upgraded to v3.5 then installed BulletProof. Had alot of the issues everyone else has had, non-functioning Editors, 404 pages and widgets not working.

    But i can also confirm that upgrading Bulletproof to .47.7 will fix the issues in WP.
    I also added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to wp-config.php, but haven’t deleted it yet.

    Updating the BulletProof plugin to .47.7 also fixed my issues. Developer put out an update about half hour ago. Just an FYI for those using it.

    Thanks Chrisgra2.

    I too suspected the issue of not being able to see or edit pages/posts
    was somehow related to the editing functions. I saw a new ‘add media’

    Well I have disabled the CKEditor plugin, and I can at least edit post and pages again.

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