• Resolved azamatzafer


    Hello all, I am using Golo theme and I a want to use Zeno Report Comments for my comments section but it doesn’t show up, is there any way to fix it? Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author Marcel Pol



    Sorry to hear that.

    I see it is a commercial theme, that means I cannot install it and test it. Could you send a zip file of the theme to marcel@timelord.nl ? I will then see what is the matter.

    Regards, Marcel

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Thanks for your response Marcel, I sent you an e-mail.

    Best Regards, Azamat

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Hi Azamat,

    I can only download that if I log in to google, but I don’t have a google account. Can you put it somewhere that I can download it?

    Regards, Marcel

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Hi Marcel,

    I sent a you WeTransfer link, you can download directly from the link.

    Many Thanks

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Thank you, that download works.

    Now I get errors like:

    <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function golo_get_option()in <b>/web/testwp/wp-content/themes/golo/templates/archive/layout-list.php</b> on line <b>14</b>

    It seems it expects Golo Framework. Could you share that as well?

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Thank you as well. I sent Golo Framework via mail.

    Regards, Azamat

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Hmm, it does work for me. If I enable threaded comments it works, without threaded comments it works too.

    Can you share the address of your website?

    Regards, Marcel

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    I’m sorry, I am very confused now. I don’t see any comments.
    Can you share a link to a page with comments?

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Ofcourse. For example, there are 2 comments in this page.


    • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by azamatzafer.
    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    I am sorry, I simply don’t know.

    In my test setup I got as far as adding a place. Then adding a review, but I could never manage to have that review visible on the frontend.

    Maybe you can reach out to the people of the theme. You paid for support I assume.

    Regards, Marcel

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Thank you for your efforts, I will reach out to them. In the mean time is it possible that there is a conflict with other plug-ins?

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Yes, that is possible.

    Simple procedure is to disablle all plugins and choose a default Twenty theme. Then enable the report comments plugin, after that all other plugins and themes.

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    Thank you, have a nice weekend.

    Thread Starter azamatzafer


    I reached out to developers of theme but they couldn’t help.

    Do you have any suggestions?

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