• I have Wordfence installed to help with security, and this tells me that the Huge It Slider plug-in has been removed from WordPress.org. I cannot find it either on WordPress.org. This obviously has security implications. I am currently using Huge IT Slider v.4.0.6

    Please tell me whether this version has been compromised or is simply not being updated.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Nope …. still haven’t heard anything. Anyone else?

    No news. Ugh, should probably replace…

    Do you have any update after 3 months?

    I’m only getting the Wordfence alert now regarding WordPress.org’s removal of this plugin from a scan it did on my client’s site. I went to the Huge It site to see if there was a notice and I noticed they had no new updates since late 2017.


    Sidenote about plugin sudden removals from WordPress:
    Wordfence has looked into reasons WordPress.org removes fishy IT companies releasing plugins. If they lack transparency or have associations with owners who have been flagged as spammers or other dubious redirecting code etc… they will immediately remove you. Not saying that’s the case here but Huge It need to get in touch and make themselves accountable to the WordPress community.

    Got this from a “Kelly McCarty” today via email support


    Thank you for contacting us,
    Nowadays we have some misunderstandings with WordPress community.
    Hope soon all problems will be solved and we will be back on wordpress.org.

    Anyway please be sure that there is no problem with plugins functionality.
    And you are always welcome to contact us for any case.

    Regards, Kelly McCarty
    Huge-IT Support

    Ok this is the same message given 3 months ago Dubman. I’m pretty concerned at this point. I’d been leaving it for the last while, but now I’m concerned it’s harbouring malicious code or something…

    Yeah same. We keep hearing the same thing from them, but surely it couldn’t possibly take this long for things to be resolved.

    Is there anyone at WordPress itself, any kind of moderator who could weigh-in here to give a little more detail as to why Huge-IT was banned?

    Because they have a lot of products, and I’m sure a heck of a lot of people are affected on all the other Huge-IT plug-ins, and not just this one.

    I received the same message from “Kelly McCarty”.

    I’m also concerned about the potential for malicious code. Could anyone elaborate on the “misunderstandings” between Huge-IT and the WordPress community? Also, what “problems” are trying to be solved?

    probably good idea to disable and delete? i noticed a client site links in the slider were changed to pages on erzhong988 dot com.. somehow.. but no other problems i noticed. anyway there are plenty of better slide plugins.

    I agree – disable and delete the Huge IT Slider plugin. I stopped using this plugin because it contained malicious code.

    OK, does anyone have a recommendation for a replacement? Needs to be free, stable, and uncomplicated 🙂

    Advice gratefully received!

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