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  • I’m also having the contact form problem with SFC. I like and use Fast Secure Contact Form, but was hoping for one less plugin.

    The preview with Jetpack’s built-in contact form looks fine, but once published shows only a blank page.

    Looking forward to a future fix!

    Just chiming in… I can confirm that the latest versions of both Jetpack Contact Form and Simple Facebook Connect are incompatible. I had to disable Simple Facebook Connect for the Jetpack Contact Form to show up. (Also migrating from Contact Form 7.)


    I have a few minor issues with the contact form, running the latest Jetpack version 1.4.2 and also WordPress 3.4 with a free Eclipse theme by CyberChimps.

    The form displays and sends email ok after testing, however the title text above the message box is out of alignment. I suspect this is theme related, but did try to move the contact form box as in the settings to no avail.

    my website is where you can see the issue on the contact’s page.

    Is there a CSS or file I can edit on the contact form to adjust the padding a little?



    for what it’s worth, our site doesn’t use SFC and we’re having this problem too.

    I installed the plugin Add Link to Facebook, and my contact form disappeared. Is Add Link to Facebook made by the same creator(s) of SFC? I just deactivated Add Link to FB and the contact form reappeared. There’s definitely a conflict between the two programs.

    John B


    I found that Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster is also causing a conflict.

    Also, I had a contact form on a post rather than a page and noticed that the form is visible from the front page (even with Auto-Poster active), however the post’s individual page will NOT show the form.

    I use Twenty Eleven

    The jetpack contact form also seems to conflict with the plugin “Open Graph Protocol Tools” most likely for the same reason it conflicts with SFC.



    My Jetpack Contact form stopped working when I installed Facebook Like Thumbnail plugin. Disabling it fixed the Contact form.

    I found the same as @john B Next Scripts Social Networks Auto-Poster is causing a conflict. Disabling allowed the form to show.
    I’m using Twenty Eleven theme too.
    Any ETA on a fix?

    Thanks for these threads folks. I managed to fix my problem, Simple Facebook Connect was my problem too!

    Not only has the jetpack Contact form stopped working but I have never got the Jetpack Stats to work on Other sites on the same server work perfectly! They have the same plug ins, plus extras.

    theme is Twenty Ten – everything is latest version.

    Cookie warning
    Google Analytics Injector
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Jetpack by
    Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu
    Revision Control
    WordPress Database Backup
    WordPress SEO
    WP-Statistics (because Jet Pack Stats doesn’t work)
    Broken Link Checker

    This is really affecting our business.



    Hi Steve,

    Sorry to hear about your issue.

    The jetpack stats work by connecting your site to, you get the option to link up to it once you’ve downloaded and installed the jetpack plugin. is not something I have had anything to do with to get my stats to work, they just show on my WP dashboard.

    Have you deactivated all your plugins, one-by-one and views the site to see if one of them is an issue? Or better still deactivated the lot and activate them one by one to see which one is the problem.

    Keep the WP Jetpack activated when all others are deactivated to see if that is working OK first.

    Hope this helps, this is what I would do in your situation.

    It is connected to WordPress and deactivating the plug ins makes no difference.

    My problem may be slightly different in that all the code needed shows up on the site, but it doesn’t create a form, just the code as plain text. Makes no difference whether you add it on the html or text tab, you just see the code!


    Latest Jetpack with Suffusion and WP 3.4.2 – and no Contact Form shows up, whether I use Visual or HTML site to post.
    My site is – the form should be on the Contact page (but isn’t).

    I am using Tugbucket’s Multi Column Tag Map which uses shortcodes. also several of the ones Steve Pett is using, like WordPress SEO, Broken Link Checker, Google XML Sitemap, OZH Admin Menu

    Is there a fix in the works or do I look for another contact form plugin?

    Same issue – I don’t have the SFC installed. WP 3.4.2. I’m using theme Twenty Eleven. My site is and here is where the contact form code is supposed to show:

    I actually successfully set up the contact form on another site I use, – same theme, version, no SFC plugin. It is, however, Hebrew WP.

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