• Resolved danina84


    after the latest update the string “shipping” in the cart and checkout table are in English, even though my store is German and I have the German po-file. I have checked with Poedit and cannot find the string for this. Where is this? It was working fine before the update.

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  • Yes I’ve this text on my Dutch site and cannont find how to change this

    The text is ‘I have read and agree to the website algemene voorwaarden
    the bold section should be translateble ‘

    Plugin Support John Coy a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there,

    Can you confirm the text isn’t translated in English in the Customizer settings under Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Checkout?

    Thread Starter danina84


    I am not talking about the data policy string. I am talking about the word “shipping” in the cart page table and in the checkout table.

    I can’t find nothing do you have a screenshot of that page ?

    @johndcoy found it thanks indeed in customise , the translation of shipping is not solved.

    Plugin Support John Coy a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @danina84,

    Can you try updating your translation from the WP Admin to see if this helps? You can do this from the dashboard under Dashboard > Updates

    Thread Starter danina84


    Hey John, it says all transslations are up to date and no update is available.

    Same thing on Greek language, “Shipping” and “I have read and accept rules and terms” are on English, although that on 3.3.5 everything was correct.

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey there!

    I tested this on WooCommerce 3.3.5 and it behaves the same way – it’s not a 3.4 issue. You need to use a filter to change that string, as a number of different plugins can hook in to change it:

    I added this

    Add this hook in function.php

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_package_name', 'custom_shipping_package_name' );
    function custom_shipping_package_name( $name ) {
      return 'Your Text';

    And changed ‘Your Text’ in Dutch to ‘Verzending’ and yes this works thanks
    But I’m 99.99 % sure the previous version was translated well I thinks it has to do something with the pot file in English it’s now ‘Shipping:’ with a column but it was “Shipping” without column ?

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    See https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/woocommerce-3-4-gdpr-features/#comment-4629

    The translation files won’t be up to date – it’s likely just missing. All strings in WC are translatable.

    I have the same problem after updating WC to the latest version. I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions all of a sudden is in English. Before the update it was in Dutch, I am very sure about that. I have it on all client websites after updating, same issue.

    Do you please have a solution for translating this string? Loco translate won’t help I have tried that. It only translates the words terms and conditions into Dutch but the rest of the sentence remains in English.

    Thread Starter danina84


    @ Hannah S: It is working correctly with 3.3.5. I have a testsite that is not updated yet and the translation is correct.

    Tried the code from Poshstore to replace Shipping through the Dutch word and that works like a charm so thank you for that.

    Could translate the sentence about agree to the terms and conditions through the customizer, but only the words terms and conditions itself won’t translate. Also privacy policy. WC works with fields [privacy_policy] and [terms]. How do I translate them not using an extra plugin like Loco translate? Or will there be a fix in the next update?
    Please let me know.

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