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  • Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    We just checked your website and we didn’t notice any JavaScript error or CSS conflicts. We can use the datepicker calendars to select the dates without any problems. We just see a lot of dates disabled, and this could be due to a conflict with a third-party plugin installed on the same website.

    VikRentCar uses the WordPress native jQuery UI Datepicker calendars, but their setup could be affected by other plugins that may disable some dates. Please check your location settings to make sure no restrictions are applied. We invite you to get in touch with our team through our website should you keep having problems.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter aqxa05


    Currently only 3 plugins activated on my website…

    VikRentCar Car Rental Management System


    Elementor pro

    I also deactivated them to check but still facing dates disable issue. Also checked location settings…but cant find any solution…this is my live site i have to solve this issue…if you want my website credentials i will share…You guys can check properly what is the problem. Please tell me what’s the procedure to continue…where should I share my credentials???

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    We just visited your website home page and by looking at the source code of the page we noticed that this is not actually a conflict with a third-party plugin, nor an invalid configuration of the location settings. This is actually a limit that was erroneously defined in the Configuration settings of our plugin VikRentCar.

    Basically, you see all dates disabled in the datepicker calendars except today and the two consecutive days. This is because you have defined a maximum date in the future to “2 days”. Please open the page “Global – Configuration” of VikRentCar and in the first tab you’re going to find the setting called “Maximum Date in the Future from today”. That must be currently set to “2 Days”, and you should change it to a greater value, like 1 year. Click the button to save the configuration settings, and then use a different browser (or an incognito/private session) to avoid cached settings to be applied and to immediately see the results.

    We invite you to reach out to our technical assistance team through our website, where you could eventually and safely provide a temporary login account to our staff through our support ticketing system. However, we do not need to access your website to see the settings of VikRentCar, because we noticed the issue by looking at the source code of your home page. The datepicker calendars are simply being rendered with a “maxDate” instruction set to “+2 days”, and this is why the rest of the future dates are disabled.

    We hope this helps!

    Thread Starter aqxa05


    Thanks..Issue Fixed

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