• Resolved turnerswp


    I use nimble page builder on my site. However, this morning I went into my site to make some changes… I couldnt. I click on “Build with NimbleBuilder” and it opens it up as if I could edit the page but wont allow me to click on the sections / text / images and change them…

    Please assisst

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author presscustomizr


    Hi @skeeterzx21,
    Can you 1) go into your Plugins > install plugins and at Nimble Builder verify that automatic updates (on the far right) is not enabled? If it is here, you can toggle between on and off.

    2) If it isn’t enabled but is still auto-updating, there are really two ways that I know that this can happen. You could be running another plugin that handles theme/plugin updates for you and that plugin is triggering all plugins to auto-update.
    3) Finally, in the functions.php file, you could have something that looks like this, which would force auto-updates:

    add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true');

    Of course, if you can’t figure out what is doing it, you can repeat the same process as yesterday. If we don’t have a solution by tomorrow, then I am going to roll back the update (except the new twitter logo) and push that, so that at least 3.3.4 is functional while we work behind the scenes to identify what is causing this.

    Plugin Author presscustomizr


    Keeping everyone updated:
    I do have a fix for this right now.
    For today we will be running some tests on different combinations of themes/plugins to make sure that we’re solving the underlying problem and didn’t just accidentally fix one configuration. But, assuming testing works out, I’ll push 3.3.4 tonight or tomorrow morning with the fix. Once that happens, it’s usually 30mins – 3 hours before it shows up in your dashboard as an update.

    Plugin Author presscustomizr


    3.3.4 has been pushed. Please update me here on any continued issues. If you update and see same issue, please clear cache before reporting issue. Thank you

    V 3.3.4 works for me. Thanks

    I have Nimble Page builder Pro. Every time I update (since around August) I can’t edit pages and posts with Nimble Page builder. So I keep reverting it to an older version (3.2.9) and it works again. I keep trying again with each new version, but I still can’t edit the message/page or add modules. What can I do?

    Moderator Support Moderator



    Support of all commercial themes and plugins is out of scope for these forums. . We recommend you instead use the developer’s official contact for their premium offerings, as that is the most direct line..


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