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  • Let me second that…a multipage version would make for an excellent “paid” version of the plugin.

    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    I believe multi page edit works but view does not. It was partially working last time I checked.

    Yes. A future version will fully support multi page forms. I also have a couple of other plugins coming out later this year; GravityGrid that will allow Excel-like editing of entries in the backend entry table and GravityLog that will log all new form submits, edits, deletes and other actions made on the front and/or back end.

    Hi Guys,

    I am new to Gravity Forms and Sticky List, a great plugin, thanks fried_eggz. For an upcoming project I really need users to be able to view but not edit Multi-Page forms.

    Since this plugin doesn’t support this feature I decided to see if I could do something about it. I came up with a solution that has the following features:

    • Allows read-only navigation through all pages in a multi-page form
    • Updates the forms Progress Indicator if set to Progress Bar (See Note below)
    • Updates the classes used by the forms steps if Progress Indicator if set to Steps
    • Hides the datePicker icon beside date fields in both single and multi-page forms when in View mode.

    NOTE: When the Sticky List Progress Indicator option is set to show a Progress Bar, Gravity forms only writes the first page title to the page, so we can’t access other values as we navigate. This meant that I had to remove the name of the step from the Progress Bar title. I’m sure their will be a GF hook available that will allow this to be added back in but it’s not a priority for me.

    You can find the solution on my blog: Multi-page fix

    Hope this helps, Ian.

    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    Hi Ian. Great post. I’m glad that you found Sticky List usefull. I have had other users requesting multi page form views. I just have not had time to implement it. Reading the post on your blog however inspired me to take another look. I’ll be testing your code. Thanks again.

    Also, since Sticky List is open source and a documented version of its sourcecode is avalible on Github you are more then welcome to issue a pull request.

    Great to hear FE! When is gravity grid coming out or beta testing? I could really use that!

    Hi again fried_eggz, yes I noticed that this was a popular feature request and I fully appreciate that time is always an issue.

    I have never used Git before, another thing that has been on the list for a while. I have now installed GitHub Desktop app and have forked your plugin. I think I’m almost at the stage where I feel comfortable enough to try integrating my code with sticky list.

    Can I ask for just one bit of advice? In GitHub Desktop, when I click the Compare button, I can see 2 branches, the Default Branch: master and Other Branches: wp-plugins/master. I’m a bit lost here, is there a difference between these? Should I be comparing my changes against one of these in particular?

    Hope to issue a pull request on this within a few days. Any feedback from your testing of the code I posted previously would be great.

    Thanks in advance, Ian.

    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    Im not really familiar with Github Desktop. But I think that one of those is the remote branch and one is your fork.

    The basic idea with pull request is this:
    You fork the original repo
    You create a new branch
    You commit your changes to the new branch
    You push your commits to the original repo
    You issue a pull request (on

    Hi again fried_eggz, just wondering what is happening with the multi page solution I created? I issued a pull request on GitHub 11 days ago, did you receive a notification?

    Would be great to get some feedback, good or bad.



    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    Hi There. I do not see any pull requests in the Git repo. Have you pushed your changes and issued the PL?

    Se here:
    0 Pull requesta

    Seems there is a bit of a mix up? I issued the pull request here:

    I’m guessing this is the wrong place? Do you want me to issue it again to the repo above?

    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    Ahh. Yes. That is just a Plugin Mirror. The official repo link can be bound in this plugins description.

    That explains it then.

    I have now issued a pull request in the correct repo. Looking forward to any feedback and hope to see my code added to the plugin.

    Regards, Ian

    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    I have tried your patch but it does not work for me. I still cant view multipage forms.

    Im using Vanilla WP, Updated GF and your suggested patch

    I have tested this in 3 different wordpress sites all running locally on my laptop using Bitnami WordPress stacks. Bitnami contains version 4.4.2 of WordPress so I don’t see this being an issue.

    I assume you’ve cleared your local cache? Obvious but thought I should ask. 🙂

    I’m on UK time (11.30 pm) so about to head off to bed, will be in touch again tomorrow.


    Plugin Author fried_eggz


    Ill do some more tests tomorrow. Thanks!

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