• Resolved maximepie



    Today I updated Hestia to 3.0.25 and the top of my homepage disappeared. it means that it is where there is the big picture, the title, the short description and the button CTA.

    So I tried to rebuild it but I also noticed that I was not able anymore to change the button color.

    So I went back to the previous version (3.0.24). May it be possible that you inform me when the 2 problems are corrected ?

    1. first problem is that the top of my homepage is deleted if I update to 3.0.25.
    2. Second is the possibility to choose the color of the CTA button.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi Maxime,

    Thank you for using Hestia and I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties encountered.

    Both problems were addressed in the meantime and it should be fixed in the latest version of the theme, 3.0.27.

    Can you please update the theme and confirm if it works properly with the latest version?


    [this message is created in error but I can’t seem to delete it]

    @stefancotitosu I just updated a test website I have which uses Hestia and I have the same homepage image problem with version 3.0.27. I added that code to the end of my functions.php file as you suggested and it has fixed the problem for now.

    Obviously as @rodrigogonzales says, this is not a viable solution long-term but hopefully it helps you figure out the problem.

    @stefancotitosu Same here. V. 3.0.27 does not fix the issue on my test system.

    Hey everyone,

    I’ve checked this internally and for the instances where version 3.0.27 didn’t set the parallax effect back to image, the solution is to manually adjust that setting from the Customizer -> Frontpage Sections -> Big Title Section – https://vertis.d.pr/i/onlkW5. The fix provided by my colleagues was for users updating from 3.0.25 directly to 3.0.27 not to face the same issue again, the background effect to be changed automatically to Parallax.

    A fix can’t be added to force the change from Parallax to Image through the code as this will also change it for users who opted for the Parallax Effect.

    We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for understanding.

    @stefancotitosu That seems to have worked. Thank you.

    @stefancotitosu Thanks for the update.

    I can confirm both:
    a) An update from 3.0.24 to 3.0.27 worked fine without any tweaking.
    b) An update from 3.0.24 to .25 to .26 to 3.0.27 required a change of the “Big Title Section” in the customizer to “Image”.

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