• Resolved gideonbutler


    I have taken over maintenance of a web site and am new to WordPress, perhaps I’ve broken something without realizing.
    The menu in the header of my home page looks OK, hover the mouse and the links look correct, but clicking on them results in a black page with a white “X” in the top right.
    But if I right-click the link and open in a new tab, it takes me to the correct page.
    WordPress 5.6 running Talon theme.
    Web Site viewed in Firefox and Chrome.
    I’ve followed the instructions to update the Talon theme and a number of plugins.
    If I start changing theme and deactivating plugins, will I end up losing content that I later will need to recreate? (I didn’t realize that there was, apparently, no backup)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello I am having a problem with the black screen as well. I have tried the above suggestions and I am still having issues.
    My website: https://www.su-hogar.com/

    Would anyone be able to help me with that?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi @jpruefer,

    Thank you for chiming in.

    As checked, your site is not running Talon theme. And I am afraid you would not get any answer here as you wrote under Talon support forum. You should contact your theme author if you feel your issue is theme-related.


    I am having the same issues with clicking the link and the screen goes black. WE are on 5.7 rosevineyards.com. I don’t have it active right now. And I took over this site and I want to make sure I don’t delete anything that is already there. I saw I could go back to 5.5 but I am unsure how to do that. I see I have the plugin in my plugin screen and I downloaded 5.5.4 but I don’t know how to get it to upload. I should also mention, if I right click and open in a new tab it usually works. Sometimes it doesn’t

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by skilburn.

    Hi @skilburn,

    Thank you for chiming in.

    I’d like to check it directly, but at this time I can’t. Because your site is currently set to ‘coming soon’ mode. Please let me know here when it is publicly accessible.


    I am having the same issue on my website winebus.es/en.
    Some of the pages work just fine but a few of them once you click a black screen will popup and doesn’t allow you to do anything else.

    Im using MAC and safari but I’ve tried as well in Chrome and Im having the same issue…
    To replicate go to http://www.winebus.es and scroll all the way down until the links in the bottom. Click on “Pago directo/Direct pay” and once you go to the new page click in the box to put any amount. The black screen will show up


    I can’t get the issue on your website. Because I can’t see the mentioned “Pago directo/Direct pay” on your site’s main menu and homepage. Is it located somewhere else? Sharing a screenshot with some annotations to point the location may help.




    same issue I updated all plugins. deactivated all plugins and the problem won’t go away.
    @nlikens and @mzin did you find any solution ??

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by imahaveer.


    I have taken over maintenance of a web site and am new to WordPress, perhaps I’ve broken something without realizing.
    The menu in the header of my home page looks OK, hover the mouse and the links look correct, but clicking on them results in a black page with a white “X” in the top right.
    But if I right-click the link and open in a new tab, it takes me to the correct page.
    WordPress 5.6 running Talon theme.
    Web Site viewed in Firefox and Chrome.
    I’ve followed the instructions to update the Talon theme and a number of plugins.
    If I start changing theme and deactivating plugins, will I end up losing content that I later will need to recreate? (I didn’t realize that there was, apparently, no backup)

    The page I need help with:www.takeplot.com



    @takeplot bro I will say first take full backup using any backup tool (all in one migration is one of the best for site under 500mb) and save it in local pc then try to upgrade your theme(I will highly recommend check online that you have lattest theme version or not) then upgrade plugin if still u are facing black screen with cross error then try deactivate all the plugin one by one.



    My website http://www.patflahertydrums.com is broken. All the links go to a black screen with a white X in the top right corner. None work.


    Hi @takeplot and @patflahertydrums,

    I checked your website are currently not running Talon theme. Thus you wouldn’t get any exact solution here, I am afraid. Because you’re writing under Talon theme’s community support channel.





    I’m a non-developer that’s managing a website: http://www.bcny.org

    I finally hit “update” on the theme and now all I see is the menu screen and then a black box when I click the menus. It looks like other people had this issue as well, but I’m REALLY inexperienced! I’m not sure what “php” even means! HELP!


    Hi @elizabethnussbaum,

    I checked your website; and seems likely it is not running Talon theme. Thus I am afraid that you won’t get a solution here since this support channel is aimed only for Talon.

    Adding, I think your issue is not theme-related and it is more likely with specific configuration on your WordPress install. So I’d recommend moving to https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting/


    Install this plugin:
    under jQuery Settings set jQuery version to 1.12.4.min.js
    this should fix it for you if your theme developer has not provided a fix

    I updated the theme and the editing software and my website patflahertydrums.com worked great until this. Now I get the message “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.” I can’t get to my admin email inbox.
    How do I proceed?

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