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  • the same problem

    Same issue here. WordPress 4.4.2
    Updating from 3.4.5 to 3.6

    Thread Starter Vladinator


    I had e-mail from support few weeks ago when they said they experiencing server issue. As a result, my license was lost and reset, i had to re-authenticate more than 60 web sites.

    it’s really pathetic that this great plugin cannot be supported in adequate way

    i still cannot update



    Same here : 3.5 to 3.6

    Fails to update to 3.6 from 3.5. Also, this plugin seems to have more updates than most other plugins I use. Why?

    Plugin Contributor Katrina “Kat” Moody


    I’m thinking this was a temporary glitch with – please try updating again and let me know if the issue still remains, okay?


    Also @betyonfire – we update frequently because the developers are constantly working to update and improve the code and add new features 😉


    I just tried to update again at 10:45 am CDT and the update failed. Yesterday I tried to download the update manually and it also failed (could’t find page) but today I got the update to download. I’m holding off updating to 3.6 until I’m sure there isn’t going to be another update five minutes from now.

    @katmoody – I agree with betyonfire that the updates are too frequent — especially because every update generates another backup regardless of the current backup schedule. So if you are going to update the plugin, how about fixing that, or explaining how to turn off that “feature”. 😉

    The same problem here 3.4.3 to 3.6.0 but not in all my sites

    I hade the same issue yesterday, but I waited a couple of hours and then it worked. Seemed to me that the issue was not responding (although other updates worked).

    This update issue started for me the day 3.6 became available. I tried several times that day and a few times every other day since. I have several sites and dozens of plugins. The other sites and plugins appear to update normally, except for BackupWP. So I don’t think it’s just I finally succeeded in manually downloading the file but because of this issue I have held off updating manually in case the problem is 3.6 itself.

    Is 3.6 working for everyone who has successfully updated?

    same can’t update from 3.4.5 to 3.6.

    Same issue.

    Updating Plugin BackUpWordPress (1/1)
    Downloading update from…
    An error occurred while updating BackUpWordPress: Download failed. Not Found

    Funny think is, I can use wget to download the file directly from the URL

    me too – still getting “Update Failed: Plugin update failed” message on update. PHP version OK, so not that. Hope this fixed soon – I’m hoping it will fix an issue with an earlier version, but can’t get it to find out 🙁
    Good to at least know Kat’s on it… That said, I do agree about stability. It’s all very well getting new features, but sometimes it’s reassuring to have these a little less often, and something that just sits and works for a while 🙂

    It just worked! I updated from the Dashboard > Updates — no idea if that made the difference or just coincidental. Seems to be working OK too, though still to try on the sites that were giving me problems with v3.4.5 – I’ll report back on that thread.

    Following wwwolf’s lead (thanks for the heads up), I also successfully updated to 3.6.

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