• Resolved figmint


    I am having this problem with 2 of my websites and my hosting service is not sure how to fix the problem. Perhaps you can provide some guidance so that I can help direct them on what to focus on in their search for a solution.

    I also receive cURL errors

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by figmint.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @figmint,

    Thanks for reaching out. If you’re encountering cURL errors this may be indicative of a hosting related issue. So we can determine more on this please share the following:

    1. Your Site Health information. You can use this form to share privately if preferred.
    2. Before you attempt Site Kit set up, and encounter the google_api_connection_fail error, do you see any warnings on the initial Site Kit set up screen? If so, please share the full error and your current location. I ask as Google services are blocked in some regions.
    3. Do you see any warnings or errors when checking your Site Health status (Tools > Site Health > Status), which differs from your Site Health information requested above? Such errors may include REST endpoint references.

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above.

    Thread Starter figmint


    I sent in the info via the form provided. I had the Health Check & Troubleshooting app enabled while I gathered the health check information for the form. This caused most of the plugins to be in inactive status. Do you want me to send again with this app disabled?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for sharing the additional information. And no problem with regards the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin – I can see the plugins you have active. Based on the insights you provided can you share your current location?

    Thread Starter figmint


    Oh yes. I forgot to include that information. I am located in Somerset, New Jersey, 08873 USA.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for the update @figmint.

    In that case I suspect there is a hosting/cURL related issue triggering the notice and restricting communication between your site and Google services. There are a couple of checks you can perform to check this. Firstly can you inform me if you’re able to proceed with Site Kit set up from this TasteWP link, using a temporary and disposable WordPress site?

    Secondly, please share the full cURL error you receive. This is typically output from your Site Health status (Tools > Site Health > Status).

    Thread Starter figmint


    I was able to successfully proceed with the Site Kit set up using the TasteWP link.
    With Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin enabled, I went to Site Health status page and copied this text. The only time when I see an error that specifically mentions cURL is in the Site Kit plugin when I attempt to log into my Google account.

    Site Health Status
    The site health check shows critical information about your WordPress configuration and items that require your attention.
    3 recommended improvements
    You should remove inactive pluginsSecurity
    You should remove inactive themesSecurity
    One or more recommended modules are missingPerformance
    PHP modules perform most of the tasks on the server that make your site run. Any changes to these must be made by your server administrator.
    The WordPress Hosting Team maintains a list of those modules, both recommended and required, in the team handbook (opens in a new tab).
    Warning The optional module, imagick, is not installed, or has been disabled.
    Warning The optional module, intl, is not installed, or has been disabled.
    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for performing this check. Based on there being no problems with the temporarily WordPress site, and no issues with third party plugins on your previous check, let’s rule out any third party plugin conflicts, as I can see you have additional .htaccess rules applied and plugins that can modify security rules.

    In order to do so, as you already have the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin active please follow the steps below:

    1. Login to your site from a Chrome browser incognito window
    2. Reset Site Kit (Tools > Available Tools > Reset Site Kit)
    3. Navigate to “Plugins > Health Check & Troubleshooting > Troubleshoot”.
    4. From the same screen click on the “Available Plugins” tab at the top right and then click on the “Enable” option next to “Site Kit by Google”
    5. Attempt to setup Site Kit once more

    IF the same cURL error appears, please share the full cURL error you encounter. As you have the Log Http requests plugin you may also wish to check for, or share any errors output.

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above.

    Thread Starter figmint


    When I first open the Site Kit dashboard, I get this error message.

    ‘Looks like your site is having a technical issue with requesting data from Google services.
    To get more help, ask a question on our support forum and include the text of the original error message:

    I am able to log into google to set it up, but when I get to the screen saying that I am the verified owner of electro-marketing and then click on next, it revers back to this error message. I wasn’t able to get that far into the set up process prior to this.

    ‘Unknown Error (code: The cURL request was retried 3 times and did no succeed. cURL was unable to rewind the body of the request and subsequent retries resulted in the same error. Turn on the debug option to see what went wrong. See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47204 for more information.). Get help’

    With the Log Http requests plugin, there is a lot of information listed, but nothing was marked as a cURL error under google site kit. There was one under google-site-kit where the response was a 404, not found.

    Thread Starter figmint


    Do you have suggestions on what I should say to my hosting service to help direct them on what to look for on their end that might provide a possible solution?

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @figmint,

    Thanks for sharing the additional insights. With no specific cURL error output you can ask them to check your current cURL configurations. The plugin needs to be able to connect to https://sitekit.withgoogle.com.

    This can be checked with following command:
    curl -I https://sitekit.withgoogle.com

    Alternatively, you can use the below wp-cli command:
    wp eval ‘print_r(wp_remote_head(“https://sitekit.withgoogle.com”));’

    As you’re using the Log HTTP Requests plugin, feel free to share any error logs, however long using the Site Health information form previously used.

    If you can share your error logs I can also check this with the team.

    Thread Starter figmint


    Thank you. I provided those instructions to my hosting service a moment ago. I’ll look into gathering the error log data and send them to your Site Health information form at little later today or tomorrow. I might have time to do it this afternoon, though not too sure about the available time.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Great! We can then troubleshoot this further, or check with the team. Note that support isn’t provided here in the forums over weekends, so take you time with any checks. You may also wish to check does the same occur with a fresh WordPress site on the same hosting plan.

    Thread Starter figmint


    My hosting service hasn’t made the adjustment yet. I just went to the wp-admin and attempted the login again to google site-kit. I managed to successfully log in while completing all of the steps. When I reached the page that says “Congratulations”, I clicked on the button to return to the desktop. The dashboard then displayed the usual unknown cURL error that’s mentioned before.

    I am just mentioning this because of the fact that I was able to get further into the login process this time around. While doing this, I managed to find some errors that popped up in the Log HTTP Requests plugin. I’ll copy them over soon.

    Thread Starter figmint


    I submitted information to the Site Health information form that includes the errors that came up in the Log HTTP Requests plugin. Also, I did not have Site-Kit in troubleshooting mode when I copied the information.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Many thanks for sharing. I’ve added your details for discussion with the team next week. I’ll report back to you here once I have an update.

    Let me know how you get on with the cURL command check from your hosting provider also. Further checks you may wish to check from your own site would be to check does the same occur with a clean WordPress install on the same hosting plan. Regardless I will share your findings with the team and report back to you here. Thank you!

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