• Resolved redwren


    Hi there, I need your help!

    My WP backend hasn’t been working correctly since I upgraded to 4.0. a long while ago, since then I haven’t been able to resolve these problems:
    __previewing a draft post: Page not found
    __publish preview/preview post revisions, get message: You do not have permission to preview drafts
    __Appearance; Customize and Themes (unable to change themes) get: Session expired. Please log in again. When I log in again it says: log in successful –but then goes into a loop; session expired log in again.
    __jetpack sharing buttons no longer appear in posts (front end issue)
    __jetpack site stats no longer show activity

    I now see I have additional wp folders/files in the root of my site. My site was originally installed in a sub-directory: mysite.com/blog Both index.php and .htaccess were set correctly (as per codex instruction: setting up wp in a sub directory) Also, both WP and site URLs are set up correctly in Settings/General.

    I did some testing and without any one of these (duplicate) folders/files in the root, my site breaks:
    wp-content (folders inside are empty)

    The index.php in “root” now appears as:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/wp-blog-header.php' );
    when i change it to the correct sub-directory path (below) the site breaks, gets error 500
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/blog/wp-blog-header.php' );

    I though maybe removing the duplicate files in the root and uploading clean/new wp files in the /blog subdirectory might be the fix, but now I’m not sure if that will even help fix anything at all… since wp is using files in the root now….is this also a database issue? Help!

    Any ideas on what I should do? Any advice or help in fixing these problems is greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you

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  • Hi, redwren, & welcome to the WordPress support forum.

    Ok, so I think the first thing we need to do is to determine which databases these site(s) are using. Is there a wp-config.php in the /blog subdirectory?

    Did you perchance use your hosting provider’s autoinstaller to install WordPress?

    Also, could you please provide us w/a site url?

    I think we can get this fixed. Your patience will likely be required, however, but I think this is doable. I’m just sorry you waited this long to request our help, as I’m suspecting your software is likely pretty out of date by now. Not only so, but it just helps to have someone to share the frustration with.

    Thread Starter redwren


    Hi Jackie,
    Thanks for responding and the welcome 🙂

    Yes, I do know which database the site is using.
    There is a wp-config.php both in the root: mysite.com and the subdirectory: mysite.com/blog. ( they appear to be exactly the same)

    Yes, I installed WP in 2013 to my site (which is an “add on domain”) using my host’s CPanel and Softalicious. I installed WP in the subdirectory “mysite.com/blog” and followed Codex instructions for that.

    The site url is: flavorsoflight.com
    (the site uses a wp.com theme that is customized)

    I have been keeping WP updated all along, so it’s up to date. I havn’t had any issues until that 4.0 update then after the issues appeared.

    Check out my profile to see earlier history/help requests. I didn’t get anywhere with the issues then, and just survived without those functions mentioned… it’s only just recently I dug down to finally get things sorted out ( need to change my theme/ update my site) and found those extra wp files/folders on my host server and realize that could be part, or all of the issues….

    Yes, about the frustration part! 🙂 but very happy to have help!

    redwren, are you aware that the site seems to be loading from flavorsoflight.com/is
    Is this what you think should be occurring?

    Thread Starter redwren


    Hi Jackie,
    Yes, that is correct– that’s the sub-directory folder in my site root where I installed WP in.

    Ok, redwren, I’m sorry–I’m *really* confused now. Are you just using /blog as a pretend/example subdirectory?

    If you don’t mind, I’m going to refer to the actual subdir–I find it too difficult to keep straight in my little bitty pea-sized brain otherwise.

    Are you telling us that /is/wp-content is empty, or are you telling us that the wp-content inside the root folder is empty?

    When you changed the index.php in the root, did it look like ../is/wp-blog-header.php

    Thread Starter redwren


    Jackie, so sorry for any confusion. Yes mysite.com/blog is for an example/pretend.

    Yes, I totally understand (and my brain is smaller than your’s no doubt).

    I’m confirming that the wp-content folder inside of the root folder is mostly empty. Sorry, I should have been more specific and said the”upgrade” is empty and “uploads” is empty itfolder has directories, years> month etc, but they are all empty. The other folders, themes, plugins,etc have contents. The “uploads” has content in the “is” subdirectory.

    Yes, I’m certain that I originally had the index.php in the root as you said : ../is/wp-blog-header.php

    Ok, redwren, we’re about to start breaking stuff. But understand something–I’m really really careful about breaking stuff, so please follow these instructions closely so that if stuff *really* goes pear-shaped, we can get it back to rights again.

    First, please check your site url & WordPress url in your dashboard under ‘Settings > General’. Your site url should read flavorsoflight.com & your WordPress url should read flavorsoflight.com/is.

    Except for .htaccess & index.php in the root, I’d like for you to please rename files & folders as follows. We’re only doing this in the root now, not in the /is subdirectory.
    Any .php files, please rename to ph1.
    Any folders, i.e., wp-content, please append a 1 to the name, i.e. wp-content1. If there are plugins & themes there that are not in your is/wp-content plugins or themes folders, please move/copy them there if they’re required for the site to work.

    Please change your index.php in the root to point to the /is subdirectory. It looks like:
    Please change your .htaccess in the root to read:
    RewriteBase /is

    Now please try going to flavorsoflight.com & let’s see where we are. If you get any sort of error, please paste it to your next reply.

    BTW, we’ll eventually delete these renamed files, but if we need to put them back quickly, this is an easy way. I am a bonafide chicken/coward when it comes to other peoples’ websites, so when I suggest changes that may cause things to blow up, I try to build in a safety net lol.

    Thread Starter redwren


    Ok Jackie, I’ll go through this list ( i have questions) :

    Check — site url and WP url are OK

    question — do you mean append or rename the php files in root to ph1?

    question — require(‘./is/wp-blog-header.php’);
    for some reason my site/host it seems I have to use ” …(.’/is…” I had tried changing it before to what you said as well as checked elsewhere on my test wp install and it’s also set up ” (.’/…..
    I do it the way you say first.

    Thread Starter redwren


    OK I think you might mean change the file extension name from php to ph1 ….
    is that right?

    Thread Starter redwren


    Hi Jackie,
    I’ve gone down the list
    done everything you said in the “root” folder

    my index line now looks like this:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) .’/is/wp-blog-header.php’ );
    site gets this error:
    flavorsoflight.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    I also tried with the period/dot before the apostrophe, as you had written. get the same error:

    flavorsoflight.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    Correct, redwren. I’m going to get dinner for the hubby now, so if you don’t see me for a bit, I haven’t disappeared. It’s just that guys think they should eat before going to work for whatever reason lol.

    Thread Starter redwren


    Yes, please do and thanks for your help 🙂 I’ll be around

    just so you know, just in case… I have a complete backup of my site…

    Hi, Redwren. Ok. Firstly,how about renaming your .htaccess file to htaccess. Try visiting the site & see if that gets us anywhere. Also, could you just please paste it here for us to look at?

    2nd, did you make certain that all the themes & plugins were there & *complete* in your /is subfolder?

    Since your login page works, could you please try going to your dashboard & changing your theme to a default theme like twentysixteen & see if that resolves the problem?

    I’ve got other ideas, but let’s see whether any of these are helpful.

    Thread Starter redwren


    Hi Jackie, I’ll go down your list;
    in root renamed file to: htaccess
    get: flavorsoflight.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    here’s the htaccess code:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /is
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    As best I can tell my wp-content themes and plugins in the “/is ” are the actively used folders because the ” last modified” dates are the most current ie 2016…. ( the dup folders both themes and plugins are all 2013 dates)

    just updated to the lasted version of twenty fifteen theme which I already had and I’m able to activate it! ( havent been able to do that before) lets see….
    Looks like the site is working with the twenty fifteen theme!

    Ok,redwren,that says the problem is somehow w/your theme. Please go ahead & rename your .htaccess file back to its original name, & I think it’s safe to say that we can now delete the superfluous files & folders in the root.

    You may wish to check what installs are present in the softalicious program & if it indicates that one is present in the root, at least tell it not to auto-upgrade.

    I am so sorry you weren’t helped in previous attempts, but I am so very happy to have been able to assist you now. If you feel this problem is resolved, could you please mark it as such?

    & please–if you ever need help again, don’t hesitate to request it here. Who knows? Maybe I’ll see it, & we’ll cross paths again. That’d be nice.

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