• I guess Photon has updated to include support for WP 1.5. It only works with iPhoto, so all you PC people are out. Has anyone tried it out yet or figured it out yet?

    There is Blog ID and Access Point, not really sure what to put in there.

    check out here http://www.daikini.com/

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  • I installed it, but like you stuck on blog id and access point ???

    I think access point is http://www.yourdomain.com/xmlrpc.php as the same is required for Flickr but I cant get that to work either.

    As for Blog ID – no idea.

    photon looks really good… if it works.
    nothing for me on my side.

    got photon to create a new category– but otherwise it says “Server Error”
    Tried numbers, the word “WordPress” and others for the BlogID, and like what’s been said, possibly the access point is the “xmlrpc.php”

    From the help–

    What’s an Access Point? and what’s my Blog ID?

    ‘Access Point’, ‘Blog ID’, and ‘Platform’ are three absolutely vital pieces of information Photon uses to communicate with your blogging software. ‘Platform’ in itself is not a difficult question to answer; it should be quite well known to you whether you use Movable Type™ or TypePad™ to power your weblog, though the other two may pose some difficulty.

    Movable Type users:
    Your blog’s access point is the location of its XML-RPC server, found in your Movable Type installation directory with the name mt-xmlrpc.cgi. For example: http://www.example.com/mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi

    Your blog ID can be printed into any template using the template tag <$MTBlogID$>, and can alternately be found in the location bar of your browser while you’re logged in to Movable Type. For example: http://www.example.com/mt/mt.cgi?__mode=menu&blog_id=2

    … does anyone know this for WordPress?

    found this:

    Question: What do I put in the Access Point field in the account screen?

    Answer: The URL to the xmlrpc interface for your blog system. If you are using WordPress then the URL would be http://www.example.com/xmlrpc.php

    Question: What do I put in the Blog ID field in the account screen?

    Answer: This is the ID your blog system gives your account. If you are not sure what value that is then try putting “1” to see if that works.

    Question: Are there any plans to have Photon work with other blog systems?

    Answer: Yes, other blog systems that support the MetaWeblog API will be added on a request basis.

    now working for me 🙂

    I can add a thumbnail so it appears on my blog as the entry and then click on ‘more’ it shows a larger version wiht I have added as extended entry but also show the standard entry, so you see the photo twice.

    Would be nice to have the thumbnail link to to larger version, even if it just pops open a blank window with the image in.

    Is anyone still having problems getting Photon to work with WordPress?

    yeah I got probs, it seems to connect only when I get it just to put up the title of the photo.
    I can’t get the photo or thumbnail to work, it just says server error!
    What did urbanmac do to get it working?

    same here, i am able to create categories, and connect to the blog, but once the file appears to be uploaded the result is a server 803 error within the iPhoto export progress window.

    I dont think anyone has gotten this to work!

    Is Photon only available in Tar or can you dowload a zip version?

    The problem is that you are trying to define your upload path, the upload path is controlled in wordpress, so example
    if you wordpress upload path is http://www.yourblog.com/assets
    and you want you uploads to go there leave the paths blank in the photon blank.

    if you want them to go to another directory after assets then just add it like this

    this will fix your server error 803

    Thread Starter shinyidolcom


    I was able to get it to work with WP1.5, but it made every photo a post.

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