• Resolved Leapmkt12


    Ok guys, have gone through the snippets & the forum & am definitely missing something.
    I need to take the nav menu out of the menu wrapper & have it centered across the top of the slider. I need the logo, tagline & social icons exactly where they are designed to be in Customizr, just the main navigation menu centered above the slider. I know there is php required, but I cannot seem to find the right hook or php snippet?
    Secondly I am also about to do four different menus for four separate divisions in this company (same website), is there a php snippet that I can allocate specific pages for the menu’s or will they appear when I do the additional menus in my childs theme function.php?
    Thanks in advance!

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  • This is fixing syntax error:

    // START https://wordpress.org/support/topic/customizr-navbar
    add_filter( 'tc_tagline_display', 'rdc_tagline_display');
    function rdc_tagline_display ($output) {
    $oldstr = 'class="%2$s inside site-description">%3$s</%1$s>';
    return str_replace($oldstr, $oldstr.'</div><div class="row-fluid">', $output);
    add_filter( 'tc_menu_wrapper_class', 'rdc_menu_wrapper_class');
    function rdc_menu_wrapper_class ($menu_wrapper_class) {
    return 'span12 '.$menu_wrapper_class;
    // END https://wordpress.org/support/topic/customizr-navbar
    Thread Starter Leapmkt12


    Hi Guys,
    Thank for all the info above. I have installed the snippet & am using Firebug so hopefully I’ll get the navbar where I want it. So it sits just above the slider like these to sites:
    (Then I can move it on another clients site to the very top of the page)

    @electric Feet I’ve added the php below for the menus I need, but I have missed something somewhere, as the page is fine until I add the Hooks & the Display Functions? Any suggestions? The menus are registered with WP as they are now showing in the Manage Locations.
    `// Additional menus
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_extra_menus’ );
    function register_extra_menus() {
    if ( function_exists( ‘register_nav_menus’ ) ) {
    register_nav_menus( array(
    ‘solar_menu’ => ‘Solar Menu’,
    ‘aircon_menu’ => ‘Aircon Menu’,
    ‘electrical_menu’ => ‘Electrical Menu’,
    ‘lighting_menu’ => ‘Lighting Menu’,
    ‘energy_menu’ => ‘Energy Menu’
    ) );

    // Hook display functions for each of them on theme elements:
    add_action(‘__before_header’, ‘display_solar_menu’);
    add_action(‘__before_header’, ‘display_aircon_menu’);
    add_action(‘__before_header’, ‘display_electrical_menu’);
    add_action(‘__before_header’, ‘display_lighting_menu’);
    add_action(‘__before_header’, ‘display_energy_menu’);

    // Display functions:
    function display_solar_menu() {
    echo ( has_nav_menu( ‘solar_menu’ ) ? wp_nav_menu (
    if ( is_page( array(
    ‘Solar Power’, ‘Commercial Solar Power Systems’, ‘Solar Schools’, ‘Testimonials’,
    ‘Solar Hot Water’, ‘Solar Rebates & Incentives’, ‘Stand Alone Solar Power’, ‘The Solar Power Installation Process’, ‘Grid Connect Solar Power’, ‘SAE Group Solar Products’, ‘Our Solar Panels’, ‘Luxen Solar Panels’, ‘Renasola Solar Panels’, ‘Seraphim Solar Panels’, ‘WINAICO Solar Panels’, ‘Our Solar Inverters’, ‘Solar Maintenance’, ‘Maintenance Booking Form’
    ).'<div class=”clearall”></div>’ : ” );

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