• Resolved Roger Correia


    When I activate the Autoptimize plugin, the WP Full Calendar fails to display the full calendar. If I deactivate the Autoptimize plugin, the calendar works properly. This is a recent issue in the past 30 days.

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    -> you don’t seem to have jquery-migrate.min.js, I guess you (or a plugin) is dequeuing it but it looks like you’ll need it.
    -> you seem to have removed wp-includes/js/dist from the default exclusions, can you re-add it?
    -> indeed also exclude plugins/wp-fullcalendar and untick “minify excluded CSS/ JS” (which you both have already)

    ping me when above is in place so I can re-check 🙂

    Hey, you’re genius, this brings the calendar back with Autoptimize. Thanks!

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    OK, happy it works, now go and share that knowledge over at the calendar forum 🙂

    and feel free to leave a review of the plugin and support here! 🙂

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